Author: camilla

Doily Table Cover

Silver and white paper doilies of varying sizes are stapled together to create a lace-like tabletop cover for a winter dinner.

Set The Table and The Mood With Small Surprises

Take a good look around your house and find second uses for ordinary things – your table will have more character and you won’t spend a penny…

Using Afghans & Blankets To Recover Seat Cushions

I chose a brightly covered afghan to cover the seat of this chair. The drab green paint against the vibrant colors of the afghan create a nice contrast.

Halloween Around The House

The top of our china closet – decorated with pumpkins, gourds, branches, newspaper garland and silver.

Blackened Silver…

Inspired by Dutch still life paintings, I created my own tableaux with a monochromatic palette perfect for Halloween…

Ghoulish Drinks For Little Ones

Blue Gatorade in stylish goblets that are sugared with green cake crystals are a huge hit with kids.

For Halloween fun, try making an egg carton candy tray.

This candy tray was made from an egg carton. I cut off the top and the side flap and spray painted it black. Each compartment holds a surprise of candy or a small toy…

Decorating For Halloween (first in a series)

At this time of year, I keep an eye out for decorative objects that help me visually capture the drama of Halloween. I look for anything that can hold pumpkins, fall flowers, candy, found objects that grab my eye…

Decorating With Frames

Frames of varying styles and sizes are united once painted the same color. I chose frames with substantial detail and thickness in order to make this look work. To bring the theme further into the room, I painted the coffee table the same color…

Rip Off This Skirt Idea

I found this great skirt in a thrift store. I loved the pattern and the fabric, but the length was too long. Making a cut at my desired length, I gently pulled the threads to create a rough fringe along the bottom. In an instant, I had the look I wanted…

With children in the house, a painted dining room floor is the perfect alternative to a rug.

Having a rug under a dining table isn’t the easiest thing to keep clean, so I decided to paint our floor instead. By using an epoxy paint (traditionally used on garage floors) tinted to the shade I desired, I was able to accent my dining room floor surface with the most durable paint I know of – it never stains…

First impressions are lasting ones.

I like my exteriors to hint at what is going on inside, while still maintaining privacy. I spray painted my garden gate with very basic stencil letters from Home Depot. The industrial look is clean and bold…

A bland bathroom door no more.

Using pages from 2 books purchased at a garage sale, I papered my bathroom door to give my small powder room some interest.