Here's a simple vase you can make in minutes and the kids can help.

Gaffers tape is a vinyl coated cloth tape - I bought mine at Blick for around $8.00 a roll.

I used a small sparkling cider bottle (about 8 OZ).

I covered the bottled with vertical applications of 2-3" strips of gaffers tape.

I ran the tape up to the rim of the bottle and covered the base.

I love the texture of this tape - it looks as if the bottle is wrapped in fabric.

Some brightly colored vases to line my table.

I also made this patchwork planter by covering a can with short, torn strips of gaffers tape.

Tear the tape into 1-inch strips and apply to can - overlapping as you go around.

To create a neat edge, run the tape over the rim of the can.

Here’s a link to Blick for gaffers tape.
May 25, 2011 at 1:34 pm
Geez oh Pete! These are so rock-n-roll! That patchwork one is especially yummy. Like florescent rainbow sherbet. Yumm….
May 25, 2011 at 1:56 pm
Hi Peaches – I can’t stop with the tape! 🙂 I love this stuff. C
May 25, 2011 at 2:21 pm
I love your blog, and has followed it since forever, it’s so inspirering!
I have a question though, that I hope you can answer <3
I have tried to grow my own wheat grass and plant it in the coloured and crushed cans that you made for months ago (hope you know which one I am talking about) , but do you let it grow first, and then plant it in the can, or do you just spread out the seed straight away in the can?
p.s. why is it getting all moldy and yucky in the bottom near by the dirt?
p.p.s. I am danish, so pardon my english :s
xx Mette
May 25, 2011 at 6:20 pm
Hello Mette! Thanks for following my blog – I am so happy to hear you like it. About the wheat grass – if you make drainage holes in the bottom of the can – the moisture level will improve and the mold shouldn’t be an issue. However – since you already have a mold issue, I would (sadly) dump the soil out and start again. You can also put a bit of gravel in the bottom of the can to assist with drainage. Or – you could grow the wheat grass in a pot of similar size to the can and – when it is just beginning to grow – transplant it to the can. If you do not over water your grass and keep in the sun, this will help prevent mold too. I hope this helps. Please let me know. Thanks again for your comment. Take Care, Camilla
May 31, 2011 at 12:40 pm
You come up with the coolest things. I so enjoy you blog.
Merciful Blessings
September 2, 2011 at 1:51 am
though this one isn’t myPERSONAL Style it is still a GREAT Project I know lots of people will LUV!!!
XoXo~Bless Up Always~XoXo
Mercy of MB_WOO.MOM