Adding a bit of seasonal nature to your indoor decor can be quite easy and inexpensive – just take a few clippings from your backyard, check the recycling bin and work in some leftover craft supplies…

I made this arrangement today and it cost me nothing at all.

Something pretty and rustic for the bedside.

Natural fall beauty is my favorite, so nice to be able to bring it indoors.

For this I started out with a large can, leftover fabric, a glue gun and some old brass buttons.

This is what I clipped from our backyard; mostly foliage.

Conditioning my cuttings; recutting ends on an angle, stripping lower leaves, etc..

I hot glued the burlap to my can and added those old brass buttons too.

I like the look of a wild bouquet.

A fresh arrangement adds life to a room -- my husband commented on this right away.

So easy and free - which is nice.

My little sweetie was watching me create this post the entire time - following me around the garden and up and down the stairs. Love.
October 16, 2013 at 1:49 am
love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!