Recently, my friend Susann and I were talking about the necessary evil of wine charms (the little charm that hangs around the stem of a wine glass that is meant to connect the glass to its owner – so no one else accidentally drinks out of it). They serve a great purpose, but they can be a bit unattractive. I have never found a set in the stores that I wanted to buy. So Susann, this post is for you! Here are a few ideas you may like.

What could be more appropriate than wine glass charms made from cork?

I used a Color Box pigment stamp pad (available at craft or paper stores) in magenta to monogram each cork.

Using a sharp knife and a cutting board - cut the cork into 1/2 inch discs. Stamp each cork slice with a letter rubber stamp.

Using a small eye screw - hold the cork disc flat on the table and screw it in from the side. Pull a strand of jute through this loop and tie it to the stem of your wine glass.

I try to reuse birthday and greeting cards as often as possible - here I used a die cut to punch out heart shapes from a group of old cards. I attached these to the wine glass stems with glitter stick metallic pipe cleaners. Simply cut pipe cleaners into about 2 inch pieces, slip card on and twist to close.

Foil alphabet stickers attach well to the foot of a wine glass - yet come off easily. I purchased these stickers in the stationary department of Target - a package of 59 letters costs only $0.99.
April 9, 2010 at 5:28 pm
Thanks for the link!
October 20, 2010 at 7:37 am
I love the cork wine charms. I want to make these for my sister who lives in Florida to send to her for her Thanksgiving dinner. I already know every guest that will be there, (all family) so I can make the initials with no problems. Thanks for a great idea!
October 20, 2010 at 12:02 pm
That’s great! I’m glad to hear it 🙂 ! Thanks, Camilla