Entertaining a large crowd can leave me short on seating. Here I have transformed a folding chair (picked up for $2.00 at a resale shop) into a more stylish seating option using muslin, yarn and rubber bands. You can pick up muslin at any fabric store - I got mine for less than $2.00 a yard.

Cut a piece of muslin big enough to fold in half and cover the back panel of the chair.

From the back, grab the two corners together on each side and secure with rubber bands.

Roll the gathered ends under. Cut a length of yarn or jute (about 2 yards in length) and wrap around the back panel - tie yarn with a knot to secure.

Cut another piece of muslin - also large enough to fold in half and still cover the seat.

Gather ends together with a rubber band (underneath the seat) and wrap seat with yarn.

If you were to wrap a set of folding chairs like this for a dinner, you could add name tags to each chair instead of putting place cards on every plate.
Aunt Jenny
December 20, 2010 at 5:58 pm
Wow, this is a really cool idea!