Watching a plant grow from a seed can be very exciting for a child (and an adult). Those first signs of green life emerging from all of that brown soil brings on screams of delight in our home. This could possibly be the least expensive way to make a child happy – give it a try.
A packet of seeds can cost less than a dollar, recycle a can and buy a bag of soil and you're on your way for less than $8.00.
Throw down some paper on the floor and let your kids assemble their tiny gardens. Every child loves to get their hands into some dirt!
We love to plant sunflower seeds. The "kid stuff" variety only grows to about 32" - perfect for little ones. Take a look through the seed packets at your grocery store or garden center and let your kids pick whatever they like.
If you're using a can - make sure to hammer a few small drainage holes into the bottom. Place a dish underneath and stick in a sunny windowsill. Let your child care for their own plant - they will enjoy taking on the challenge.