To combine sequins with a rosemary plant seemed like the perfect thing to do. I picked up my small rosemary plant for $2.99 in my supermarket’s produce section, covered a can in sequin fabric and dropped the plant inside. To cover the top and add a natural element, I topped it off with bright green moss.

A shimmery, earthy look for your holiday table.

A small can is also covered in sequin fabric and used as a candle holder.

For this project you will need: a can, sequin fabric, a small plant, moss and a glue gun.

Cut sequin fabric so that it will fit all around the can - with about a half an inch to spare on all sides. Fold sides in and glue to can using glue gun.

Leave plant in original plastic pot and place in can, top with moss.

A simple and inexpensive centerpiece or hostess gift.
November 21, 2011 at 5:41 pm
Ahhh! Love the sequins! I love all the felt projects, but my Christmas decor is all glittery and shiny… I might just have to incorporate sequins this year!
June 3, 2012 at 4:49 pm
This has an elegant look plus the Rosemary would give off a pleasant aroma. Might even try putting a sprig in with the candle to enhance the aroma. Might also consider other aromatic herbs.