With so much beauty to be found outdoors at this time of year, there really is no need to spend a lot on floral arrangements for your holiday table. Keep costs down and work with natural found objects to create this easy, rustic Thanksgiving centerpiece…

7-inch twigs are bundled, tied with twine and displayed with votive candles on a poplar wood board.

The next time you're on a walk with the kids, bring a bag, keep your eyes peeled to the ground and start collecting twigs.

For this you will need: twigs, twine, pruning sheers and rubber bands.

With pruning sheers, trim twigs to desired length. Collect twigs in your hand until you have a bundle size that suits you - bind with a rubber band. Tap the bottom of your bundle to the table to settle the twigs down and create a flat and sturdy base. Cover rubber band with twine - tie to secure.

I set everything on a poplar wood board (available at home improvement stores). So easy!