A few of my daughters’ t-shirts were intercepted by me on their way to the Salvation Army for my latest jewelry project…
T-shirts are cut into small strips, sewn into tubes and strung onto suede cording to create a necklace.
For this project you will need: a sewing machine (or you can sew these by hand), suede cording, old t-shirts and scissors.
Cut t-shirt fabric into rectangles of desired size (mine were about 2" x 1.5") - add room for seam allowance.
Fold rectangle in half and sew edge closed. I found that leaving a 1/4 of an inch seam allowance worked well. I sewed it twice to reinforce the closure.
String t-shirt beads onto suede cord (available in craft stores - sold in 25-yard spools for around $8.00 in the leather working supply section), tie ends together to close.
May 3, 2012 at 4:10 am
love this!
such a resourceful project, and what great colors.