As a child, I was thrilled to hang out underneath a heavily skirted table that my mother kept in our living room. I would drag pillows and a flashlight into this dark, cozy world and my imagination would take off. I created a small room of my own and I loved it. As a parent, I believe it is important to remember the things that excited us as a child in order to better relate to our own children. With this thought in mind, I taught my girls how to make a fort out of our dining room table. Once I set up the basics, they ran with it and brought in our old rotary phone and LED candles, dolls, small stools with tea towel tablecloths – they furnished their new space with great excitement. All you need are a few sheets, a tablecloth or two, a strand of christmas lights and clothespins and your kids will have some fun playing under the table and dreaming…
I start out by placing a sheet underneath the table - tuck all corners underneath the legs of the table to keep it in place.
A good fort needs total coverage - sheets must touch the floor. Drape one sheet over half of the table.
Drape a patterned tablecloth over the top and, to create an entryway, clip up a section with a few clothespins.
Clothespins - I can't live without them and I don't even dry my clothes on a line! I use them for everything from keeping a bag of opened chips closed to displaying my girls' artwork.
June 7, 2010 at 6:09 pm
Fun and creative!
shabby chic furniture
June 8, 2010 at 1:25 pm
I loved making forts! I was also partial to hiding inside clothes racks in department stores 🙂
June 10, 2010 at 8:43 am
Yes! Every child seems to love secret hide-outs!