Author: camilla

Tree Gift Basket

Need a gift idea for someone special? Try a tree basket…

Nut Tray Candlestick

A little bit of candle adhesive can transform a tray into a candlestick…

Wood Shim Stars & Bursts

Something fun and different for the winter holidays; try making some shim stars and bursts…

Bright Ice Pots

Create an icy look for your winter table with this easy tip…

Rustic Wood Wreath

I’m working with those shims again. Check out the wreath I made with a package of shims and a bag of hazelnuts…

Ghost Blob Lights

A spooky twist on my blob lights…

Rope Chain Garland

Rope is transformed into a unique garland…

Quick Faux Bois Candle

Trick the eye with this easy faux wood cover…

Twig Bundles

A budget-friendly holiday centerpiece you can make days in advance and you can use it again next year…

Shim Holiday Planter

Try this easy makeover and turn an inexpensive potted shrub into a holiday centerpiece…

Twig Centerpiece

Create a spooky look for your Halloween table with twigs…

“Free-For-Fall” Arrangement

Decorating for free with what you have around the yard and home…

Paper Bag Snack Caddy

Creating a handled snack caddy from a paper grocery bag…

Spider Lights

Create spooky spider lights in seconds – no mess, so simple!

Fabric Light Cups

Check out how you can make some cool outdoor lighting for Halloween with Mod Podge, Stiffy and some leftover fabric…

Quick Fall Table Ideas

A few quick and inexpensive ways to bring the look of Fall to your table…

Our Fall Mantel

A rustic Fall look for the mantel is easy to create…

DIY Bat Window Clings

Let the kids make their own window clings from a plastic table cover…

Pet Sock

Give your pet a quick grooming with a sock…

Glowing Balloon Centerpiece (Video Tutorial)

It’s easy to make, looks cool and the kids will love it…