Author: camilla
Card Trick Drink Tags
For game night or anytime you have a big group over – here’s a fun and stylish way to mark drinking glasses. With two simple cuts, vintage playing cards can easily slip onto the stem of a glass…
Fake Casts For Young Actors
Every so often, my kids and their friends like to pretend that they have broken limbs. They act out dramatic scenarios that revolve around a tragic injury and the convalescing that follows. I thought I’d give them a few props to help feed their imagination…
Crafting With Gaffers Tape
Here’s a simple vase you can make in minutes and the kids can help. Gaffers tape is a vinyl coated cloth tape – I bought mine at Blick for around $8.00 a roll…
DIY Zebra Print Project
I purchased a silver-plated candlestick at the Salvation Army for $3.50 and gave it a funky makeover with some zebra print Duck brand tape…
Opening Up A Can Of Roses
My love of sardines disgusts my daughters, but this they find amusing – a sardine can planter…
Lunch Bag Nests
Nests are easily made from regular paper lunch bags – kids love to make these. You will need 3 lunch bags to make one nest…
Different DIY Easter Baskets
A resale shop basket (picked up for $1.00) is covered in canvas, painted and appliqued to make a hip Easter basket for my 10-year-old. Using neon spray fabric paint, I quickly gave the canvas a graffiti style application. I added foil letter stickers, sprayed with paint and then removed them…
A Craft For Toothless Children
My 6 year old and her friends are quickly becoming a toothless bunch as their baby teeth are falling out at an exceptional rate. They couldn’t be happier about it – it is almost all they talk about when they get together. I figured I could make a project that celebrates this life changing event and came up with a simple craft that any toothless child would enjoy…
Cooking Up Something Different For A Spring Centerpiece
I love a centerpiece that grabs attention and gets a reaction…
There’s Nothing Funny About A Hostess Gift For A Child
When I was a child, my parents had friends who, whenever they came over for dinner, would bring a hostess gift for my mom and a small gift for me as well. The gift was always the same – a small white envelope filled with balloons sprinkled in talcum powder (to prevent them from sticking together). This may seem like no big deal, but it delighted me to no end. It made me feel special. They never forgot to bring this little treat for me – not once. So, now I hope to pass on this sweet gesture and have come up with my own small hostess gift for the children of the homes we visit.
Curtain Ring Redo
At a resale shop last week I picked up a bag of 30 wooden curtain rings for a few dollars. Here’s what I came up with…
DIY Leather Bag Bling
Inspired by a vintage leather satchel I spotted in Vogue’s April issue, I pulled together my own evening bag version for $4.00 with resale shop finds. To help the pin go into the leather with ease, I pierced the bag first with a hammer and nail…
DIY Green Glassware
My kids like it when I put a funky twist on the everyday items we use and I like to keep things interesting – so, this idea was a hit with all of us. Modern milk and cookies – ginger ale bottles are reused as glassware & butter cookies are stacked onto straws…